Comic by Cab Updated on Mondays and Thursdays


Samuel P. Grenier

Age: 24

Job: Bored video store clerk

Samuel is a 24-year-old artist who works in a video store at night, and tries to do as little as possible the rest of the time. What he lacks in motivation, Sam makes up for it in genuine friendliness. A Utown native, he had a rough upbringing and dropped out of art school before knowing what to do with his undeniable talent in painting and drawing. He spent his early twenties doing odd-jobs and making questionable life decisions, which ultimately led him to live in the Milton building. Sam is always, always down for another drink.

Edwin Bristow

Age: 16

Job(s): Busboy at the Belmont Deli and backstore clerk at the local grocery store.

Newly arrived in Utown, 16-years-old Edwin is a high-school student who’s found refuge in the Milton Building after running away from his group home. Sam took him in and the two became the most unlikely roommates. Deservingly still referred to as “the kid”, Edwin is an anxious, mild-mannered and sensitive teen who desperately craves love and validation. Cooking for others is how he shows he cares–sometimes to a fault.

Thomas Courveignes

Age: 24

Job: Mechanics 

Thomas is Sam’s long time childhood friend. They were partners in crime throughout high school but after college, it became clear that they weren’t heading for the same kind of future. Despite their growing differences, Thom always tried to keep an eye on his increasingly erratic friend and prevent him from making (more) stupid mistakes. Even if he’s deeply attached to his neighborhood, Thomas is ready to move on.

Étienne Darbesson

Age: 28

Job: Owner of the Echo Room

It was never Étienne’s idea to open a coffee shop in the roughest neighborhood in the city. But like so many other young entrepreneurs, he got wind of Utown being the next hip place to be and decided to try this crazy venture–in part to spite his family. A few weeks, many broken windows and anti-gentrification graffiti later, it looks like the Echo Room Café is here to stay, along with Étienne. Some say they even started seeing him smile at customers…

Josie F. Keller

Age: 22

Job: Thrift store clerk

Josie is back in Utown after having moved away for a year, in hopes of finding a better life outside the city. Now that she’s back in her hometown, Josie wants to reconnect with her old life and have a good time. She had a short but intense relationship with Sam after he dropped out of college and even though their breakup was a messy affair, she still cares for him.  Josie’s known for her epic karaoke performances, no-bullshit attitude and bold fashion statements.

Liz Aylmer

Age: 32

Job: Social worker

Liz is the cool and collected girl that helps maintain a much needed social order in the Milton building. She’s willing to lend a hand or an ear whenever is necessary but she does not tolerate any abuse of any kind. She works with homeless people at the Utown community center.

Violet Lorne

Age: 35

Job: Photographer

An ambassador of taste and coolness, Violet owns and operates a photography studio in the Milton Building. She found acceptance and peace in this weird little community and convinced her girlfriend Liz to move in with her, despite the drafty windows and general state of the place. She can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes but her intuitions are often right.

Ludovic Keller

Age: 26

Job: Small-time dealer, odd-jobs

It’s hard to believe that Josie and Ludovic are related. For a while, they had no one else but each other and Ludo became highly protective of his little sister. Ludovic can sometimes act like a total asshole but all he needs is something to care for and the facade drops.


Age: ??

Job: Scary punk

It’s unclear if Craig rents or squats the Milton Building’s basement or how long he’s been there. A lot of things are unclear about him.